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Submit your news

If you have a story that you would like published on Haverhill News On-Line - Send it in!

If you are a non-profit making organisation, as long as we have not already covered your event or news story, it will usually be included free of charge. Your story can contain up to 500 words and include one colour picture. It will be indexed by our database and will be fully searchable on the website.

If you submit 'advertising news' on behalf of a company, a one-off fee of £39 will be charged. The news item can contain up to 500 words, one colour picture, and be linked to your website or email address.

Haverhill News On-Line is an Interactive website. Your news story can have a hyperlink to a relevant website or email address, allowing readers to obtain more information should they need it. You can also link your website directly to any relevant news stories by copying the line at the bottom of each news story to your website!

To submit your news story simply send an email to:, containing the story, with any included picture sent as a file attachment. The picture should be no larger than 50 kilobytes in size and saved in a JPG format. Please remember to let us know if the story should be linked to a web address or email address.

Haverhill News On-Line is part of the Haverhill-UK website. We reserve the right to retain editorial control and may refuse publication of any news items at our discretion.

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